ASP.NET MVC: Load Jquery Plugin on BootStrap Modal
BootStarp modal can be utilized to compact the page navigation(s) and to improve page-loading performance. Using Jquery plugins on top of BootStrap modal will further add user interactivity and rich user interaction experience.
Today, I shall demonstrate loading of Jquery plugin on BootStrap modal using ASP.NET MVC5 platform.
Today, I shall demonstrate loading of Jquery plugin on BootStrap modal using ASP.NET MVC5 platform.
Following are some of the prerequisites for this tutorial before you proceed any further:- Knowledge of Bootstrap.
- Knowledge of ASP.NET MVC5.
- Knowledge of Jquery.
- Knowledge of HTML.
- Knowledge of JavaScript.
- Knowledge of C# Programming.
1) Create a new MVC web project and name it "MVCLoadPluginOnModal".
2) In order to understand detail flow of the BootStrap modal, I suggest to study "ASP.NET MVC - Load Page on BootStrap Modal" article.
4) Create a subsequent Index page "Views\Home\Index.cshtml" with a button to load a BootStrap Modal.
5) Now, in the subsequent MyPage page "Views\Home\MyPage.cshtml" integrate a Jquery plugin of your choice. In my case, I am using Date/Time Picker Jquery Plugin.
6) Now, in the JavaScript file, you need to configure your target Jquery plugin within the below lines of code structure i.e.
... // Modal Click Load server content. $("#ModalRemoteBoxId").on("", function (e) { // Loading. var link = $(e.relatedTarget); // Loading. $(this).find(".modal-body").load(link.attr("href"), function () { ... // USE Jquery Plugins HERE ... }); }); ...
The above lines of code will load the content of my target page into the BootStrap modal body along with the Date/Time picker Jquery plugin that I have configured in the provided solution.
7) Now, execute the provided solution and you
will be able to see the following in
action i.e.