Hands-on Power BI Desktop Training
If you want to learn about Microsoft Power BI tool in depth with business case study, then here is a good course by Vinicius Paulo Cunha that I recommend.
A 2-hour long project based course offers learning of the essential skills require to be a data-driven professional with Power BI Desktop.
In this hands-on digital training, you will learn in few steps the crucial skills of business analytics and visualization to upskill yourself as a professional.
During this training, the author of this course will solve a Business Case Study together with you by answering 9 questions created specifically for you to learn and develop all skills required to become confident when performing Data Analysis in Power BI Desktop.
The author of this course will provide you with over 600MB material inclusive of database files to simulate a real scenario. Checkout more details about Hands-on Power BI Desktop Training: All you need to know in a Business Case Study! by the author himself. Here is a quick word by the author regarding this video course i.e.